The Best Countries to Live in 2024

There can be many motivations to move abroad. Looking for better job opportunities, a different way of life, or even just a higher standard of living, when it comes to choosing the best place to live, there is a lot to consider. Of course, “best” can be subjective. To find inspiration, we looked at the […]

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The Best Cities for International Students

Studying abroad can be a fantastic experience, giving you the opportunity to live in a new city while you study. But with so many great places to live and study, it can be tricky to pick the best place. In this blog, we look into the best cities for international students, using the QS Best […]

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The Most Bicycle-Friendly Cities in the World

If you’re looking for your next cycle holiday, look no further. Using the Global Bicycle Cities Index, we look into the best cities in the world for cycling. These cities offer great cycle routes and infrastructure, plus a culture that values and promotes cycling. The index ranks cities based on six categories – weather, bicycle […]

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The Best Countries to Live in 2023

Looking for inspiration to move abroad? We’ve collected the best countries to live in 2023, with locations that offer a high standard of living, quality public services, and high earnings. We used the latest Human Development Index (HDI) report, where countries were assessed on factors including life expectancy, education and gross national income per capita. […]

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The 8 Best Train Journey’s in the World

Many associate train travel with discomfort, heat and the weekly commute. However, when it comes to seeing the world by train, there is an old-fashioned appeal that cannot be matched by flying or driving. More often than not, you get to clap your eyes on some of the most hidden locations in the world from […]

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The Ups and Downs of Expat Life in Switzerland

Bridge in the city centre of Zurich, Switzerland

Moving abroad is an exciting concept and there are so many reasons to consider taking the step to a new life in a new country. Whether you’re moving abroad for a new job, better schooling, to retire or to follow a loved one, living in a different country means experiencing it in a totally different […]

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UK One of the Best Countries for Expat Benefit Packages

Money and Wealth

When moving abroad; weather, a great location and cost of living are all major factors when deciding where to call home but a lot of us base our decisions on where to move to according to how much we can earn. After all, money is the real driving factor. The ECA’s latest My Expatriate Market […]

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The World’s 10 Best Cities to Live in 2019


Last year we gave you a rundown of the best cities to live in and this year we’re back to update you on the movements for 2019. According to Mercer’s ‘Quality of Living Ranking’ for 2019 Vienna has topped the chart for the 10th year running. Every year Mercer evaluates a variety of different factors […]

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10 Best Experiences for Adrenaline Junkie Travellers

For thrill seekers, the average holiday package is simply not enough. There lies within a deep yearning for adventure, a void that has to be filled! The challenge to live life to the full is something that many dream about, yet seldom accomplish. But for those of you ready to summon that guttural courage, there […]

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5 Destinations Suited to Eco Expats

The world is facing increasing environmental issues, now more than ever before. As such, it has become essential for action to be taken both at an international level and within local communities – Gandhi’s quote “be the change you wish to see in the world”, comes to mind. In the UK, we are encouraged to […]

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The World’s 10 Best Cities to Live In 2018

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Before you discover the best cities in the world to live in, how about learning about the 10 best countries in the world for expats? We took countries from Internation’s Expat Insider survey and pitted them against one another, ranking them for cost of living, climate, employment, education, health and happiness to find out which […]

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The 10 Safest Countries in the World for Expats

Unless you are being relocated to a specific country by an employer, the world really is your oyster. However, many potential expats focus on which country has the best weather, career opportunities, or low living costs and high salaries. What many forget to consider, though, is how safe a country is. Understandably, no right-minded individual […]

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5 Of the World’s Best Countries for Healthcare

Luxembourg takes the top spot for health in the 2016 Global Prosperity Index. Created annually by London-based think tank The Legatum Institute, the survey ranks the most prosperous countries in the world. However, prosperity is not a term used to describe just the financial standing of a country, but covers other categories such as governance, […]

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How Can Expats Get Their Children Immunised?

The World Health Organisation has reported a worrying increase of children with measles in Europe. Italy and Romania have seen the largest outbreaks and the WHO warns this is due to a drop in children being immunised. In January 2017 alone, Italy reported more than 200 cases of measles. Romania has reported 3,400 cases and […]

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Expats in Switzerland Benefit from Highest Salaries in the World

Results from banking giant HSBC’s latest Expat Explorer Survey have revealed Switzerland as the best place for expats wanting a salary increase. The country has the best earning prospects for foreigners in the world, with an average annual pay of approximately £152,000 – double the global average. Switzerland, for the second year in a row, […]

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The Top 10 Most Prosperous Countries

The Legatum Institute, a London-based think tank, release their global Prosperity Index annually and the endless survey ranks the mos t prosperous countries in the world. Many assume prosperity is used in reference to the financial standing of a country and, while this is included, the Legatum Institute considers more factors in its ranking. The […]

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Danger Money: the world’s most dangerous cities for expats

Mercer’s Quality of Living survey has revealed that expats concerned for their personal safety should find solace in European countries such as Luxembourg, Switzerland and Austria. The survey, which is conducted annually, ranked 230 cities based on internal stability, crime levels, performance of local law enforcement and the home country’s relationships with other countries. With […]

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The Facts Around Working Abroad

According to the United Nations an incredible 232 million people are now living in a country in which they weren’t born. Expat life is truly a global phenomenon with ever more of us travelling around the world for better weather, increased career prospects or more competitive salaries. According to HSBC, who surveyed 22,000 expats around […]

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Top 5 European Countries for Expats

In the recent past, here at the Expatriate Healthcare news section, we dove headlong into the 2015 HSBC Expat Explorer survey. The annual publication was the most extensive ever this year, taking into account the independent feedback of almost 22,000 different expats around the globe. In essence, the freely-available report aims to provide a “helicopter […]

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Expats in Luxembourg Enjoy Highest Purchasing Power


Many major cities around the world – such as London and Los Angeles – have established a reputation for being expensive destinations in which to live. Whether it’s the price of buying or renting property, owning a vehicle or the costs of entertainment one of the temptations of expat life is moving to somewhere where […]

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